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Draft Minutes PARC January 2019
Antrim Parks and Rec Commission Meeting
January 10, 2019
7:03 pm
Present: Isaac Lombard, Celeste Lunetta, Joan Gorga, Christine Morris, Robert Wood
December minutes accepted with corrections.
Thank you letter received from CIP Committee/Planning Board for meeting.
Richardson Trust request went through.
Pump Track/Dog Park/Archery
Possible location behind Fire Station.
Shea Field
Ice rink heavy-duty tarp down. Too cold to use hoses from school to fill.
Maintenance: Field protected by snow cover. Isaac may attend turf conference. Some seed & fertilizer remain from last year. August broadleaf weed treatment effective; may need new product for fungus. Drainage bad—standing water on field. Better system needed for putting up and taking down nets—should not be left up over winter, but dangerous job.
No movement on ConVal agreement.
Town Gym
Celeste will contact second contractor re sanding floor. No response from Tim Grossi re moisture readings.
No progress on ConVal agreement; we will not pursue.
Use of Court Clean damp mop system before games working well.
Gregg Lake
Watershed Management Plan progressing; invitation to present “low-budget grass-roots effort” at NALMS conference.
PTO sponsoring ice fishing on Feb 23—will allow use of electricity at beach.
Replacement freezer for selling ice cream at beach arrived.
Rec Dept
Celeste will attend Parks & Rec Leadership training 5 Tuesdays this spring.
Jennica Demers transitioning to Rec Assistant, will focus on waterfront. Lots of camp counselors coming back. Need to hire adult Beach Attendant. Want 2 staff on duty always—older lifeguard and beach attendant—with additional younger lifeguard as needed.
Discussed whether to run Antrim In the Evening again—low attendance at concerts, better attendance at family events. Maybe make it more festive, bring in vendors, add farmer’s market?
Summer camp to run for 5 weeks. Gym floor sanding to be done after camp, before school starts.
With Jennica on board, can run Toddler Playground every week and add one for 4–5 year olds. Will also help with other after-school programs—bowling & swimming.
Will be offering more nights of indoor walking, with Tuesday cardiodrumming station.
PTO to sponsor bike rodeo at May 4 spring festival. We will donate bikes, allow use of gym for four-square.
Hosting boys’ 5th & 6th grade basketball playoffs.
Ski program underway—10 kids taking bus, others meeting at Crotched Mtn. More snowboarders than skiers.
Bus fixed and running well.
Tennis program—Creightons offering April vacation workshop and maybe another early summer.
Discussed starting adult open mike/community music program. Town Hall, library?

Meeting adjourned 8:15 pm.
Next meeting Thursday, February 14, 7 pm.